
🚀 GamoCode is LIVE! Unlock Your Coding Potential 500+ Tests & Coding Challenges Job Opportunities Certifications & More Start Practicing Now! 🚀 GamoCode is LIVE! Unlock Your Coding Potential 500+ Tests & Coding Challenges Job Opportunities Certifications & More Start Practicing Now! 🚀 GamoCode is LIVE! Unlock Your Coding Potential 500+ Tests & Coding Challenges Job Opportunities Certifications & More Start Practicing Now! 🚀 GamoCode is LIVE! Unlock Your Coding Potential 500+ Tests & Coding Challenges Job Opportunities Certifications & More Start Practicing Now! 🚀 GamoCode is LIVE! Unlock Your Coding Potential 500+ Tests & Coding Challenges Job Opportunities Certifications & More Start Practicing Now!

Transform Your Students into Industry-Ready Professionals!

Hyper Launch is more than just tech education. it’s about empowering
the future leaders of the tech industry. We recognize the growing skills
gap between graduates’ and employers’ needs. That’s why we offer
innovative programs that bridge this gap.

College friends

CoreXcel & Tech-Uplift Program

The CoreXcel program by Hyper Launch is crafted to strengthen your college’s computer science curriculum, accredited by leading universities*, ensuring students excel in mastering essential concepts and skills.

CoreXcel & Tech-Uplift +

The CoreXcel program by Hyper Launch is crafted to strengthen your college’s computer science curriculum, accredited by leading universities*, ensuring students excel in mastering essential concepts and skills.

Graduate Success Program

Best-in-class learning facilities including 100% digitised classroom

Rigorous and targeting outcomes up-to-date curriculum

Doubt Solving and mentorship by top educators

Access to the Hyper Launch Coding Platform for skill refinement

Revise with video recordings of classes

Demonstrate your skills with real-world Capstone project

Boost your online professional image with tailored LinkedIn and GitHub profiles

Hyper Launch's Value Added Program

Our Value Added Programs are an investment in your students’ future, providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in the tech industry. Partner with Hyper Launch to offer cutting-edge education that sets your graduates apart in the competitive job market
Our courses are crafted in collaboration with industry experts to meet current market demands, ensuring your students learn the most relevant and up-to-date skills.
Our courses are taught by seasoned professionals with extensive experience and deep expertise in their respective fields, offering studentsinvaluable insights and practical knowledge.
Each course includes detailed modules that thoroughly cover essential topics, providing a robust and holistic understanding of the sub
Participants receive a Certification of Participation or Completion, enhancing their academic credentials and making them more attractive to potential employers.

Customized Program
(as per your college requirement)

College friends

Hyper Launch understands that every college has unique needs.

Our customizable college programs are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing curriculum, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your students.

We work closely with you to tailor the program to your specific requirements, whether it’s focusing on core foundational knowledge or industry-ready skills.

This flexibility ensures a program that effectively complements your curriculum and empowers your students for success in the tech industry.

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