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Full Stack Development

This comprehensive full stack development course covers foundational web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and advances through ES6 features, React, and Redux. It also includes extensive training on asynchronous programming, database management with MySQL and MongoDB, and backend development using Node.js and Express.js. By the end, participants will be adept at creating, managing, and deploying full stack applications.
Full Stack Developer

Learning Objectives

Course Duration


12 Weeks (3 Months)
3 Weeks Placement Readiness


10-12 Hours


Basic Computer Literacy

Familiarity with operating systems, file management, and basic software installation.

Mathematics Basics

Understanding of high school-level mathematics.

Basic Programming Knowledge (Preferred)

Familiarity with any programming language (preferable but not mandatory).

Course Outline

Introduction to Web and JavaScript Basics

Day 1: Introduction to Web and Browsers

  • Introduction to Browser & Web
  • Browser Wars
  • DOM tree, CSSOM tree
  • Browser internals: HTML parser, CSS parser, JavaScript V8 engine

Day 2: Networking and HTTP Basics

  • Internals: IP, MAC address, Ports & Evolution of HTTP
  • HTTP Methods
  • How the Server looks at the URL
  • Request & Response cycle

Day 3: HTML Browser Tools and JavaScript Basics

  • HTML Browser view: Debugger, Inspect
  • Browser JS vs Node.js
  • Data types

Day 4: JavaScript Data Handling

  • Copy by value and Copy by reference
  • Window & document object

Day 5: JavaScript Arrays and Iteration

  • Introduction to Arrays
  • Array and JSON iteration

JavaScript Arrays, Objects, and Functions

Day 6: XMLHttpRequest and Hoisting

  • XMLHttpRequest
  • Hoisting & scope

Day 7: JavaScript Functions

  • Introduction to functions
  • Function & return keyword
  • Types of functions

Day 8: ES6 Basics – Variables and Scoping

  • var vs let vs const
  • Block scoping
  • Spread & rest operators

Day 9: ES6 Advanced – Destructuring and Shorthand

  • Array & object destructure
  • Object property shorthand
  • Template literals
  • Arrow functions

Day 10: JavaScript OOP – Prototypes and Classes

  • Understanding the basics of prototype
  • What are classes in JS?
  • Constructor
  • Need for setters/getters
  • Use of this keyword in classes

JavaScript OOP and Advanced Concepts 

Day 11: JavaScript Array Methods

  • Map, Reduce, Filter
  • Other array methods

Day 12: Introduction to HTML

  • What is HTML & Why use it?
  • Basic Tags
  • HTML vs HTML5
  • div vs section vs article
  • div vs span
  • Inline vs block elements

Day 13: HTML Forms

  • HTML Forms
  • Input elements and attributes
  • Form submit

Day 14: Introduction to CSS

  • What is CSS?
  • Ways to use CSS
  • Property & value
  • Class vs ID
  • Use of !important

Day 15: CSS Display and Pseudo-Classes

  • Display property: inline, block
  • Intro to pseudo-classes (link, visited, hover, active)

Advanced HTML & CSS 

Day 16: CSS Box Model and Flexbox

  • Box model: padding, margin, border
  • Grid
  • Flex: display, direction, wrap, flex-flow, justify-content, align-content

Day 17: CSS Positioning and Gradients

  • Position property: fixed, static, relative, absolute, sticky
  • Parent inherit
  • Gradient

Day 18: CSS Overflow and Media Queries

  • Overflow: hidden, scroll, auto, visible
  • Dropbox
  • Measurements
  • Fonts
  • Icons
  • Media query

Day 19: Responsive Web Design and Bootstrap Setup

  • What is RWD?
  • What is the mobile-first approach?
  • Bootstrap setup

Day 20: Bootstrap Layout and Grid System

  • Bootstrap layout
  • Container, container-fluid & container with breakpoints
  • Grid in Bootstrap
  • Column prefix & its use
  • Maximum columns for a row
  • Nested columns and column ordering

DOM Manipulation and JavaScript Async Programming 

Day 21: DOM Basics

  • What is DOM?
  • createElement, setAttribute, getElementById, querySelector vs querySelectorAll
  • innerHTML vs innerText
  • appendChild vs append

Day 22: Window and Event Handling

  • Window – Common Util functions
  • setTimeout vs setInterval
  • Prompt, Alert, Confirm

Day 23: JavaScript Callbacks

  • Working with events
  • Recap of DOM topics
  • Callback
  • What’s the callback? – call stack, web API, event loop, queue

Day 24: JavaScript Promises

  • Use & purpose of the callback
  • Pain of callback
  • Promise: What is a promise?
  • Promise States
  • Promise chain
  • promise.all()

Day 25: Promises and Async/Await

  • Use of fetch() & then()
  • Promise chaining
  • Async/Await with error handling

JavaScript Promises and Fetch API 

Day 26: Implementing CRUD with Fetch API

  • Promise fetch – request info & request init
  • Implementing CRUD with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Recap of callback, Promise Topics


React Introduction and Basic Concepts 

Day 27: React Basics and JSX

  • Why React
  • Setup React project
  • Understanding JSX
  • Components (simple HTML layout to reusable React components)

Day 28: React Components

  • Understanding the components
  • Passing data through props
  • Deploying React to Netlify

Day 29: React Lists and Conditional Rendering

  • Working with array lists
  • Usage of keys
  • Conditional rendering
  • Handling Events
  • Props vs State

React Components and Hooks

Day 30: Advanced React Components

  • Components – In-depth
  • Component life cycle

Day 31: React State and Hooks

  • Stateful and stateless components
  • Reusable components
  • Passing dynamic data to component
  • Introduction to Hook

Day 32: React Hooks – useState and useEffect

  • What is the hook?
  • Lifecycle of Hook
  • useState, useEffect
  • Props drilling
  • Passing data from child to parent component

Day 33: React Router

  • React-router-dom
  • BrowserRouter, Switch, Link, Route, URL params

Day 34: React Hands-on Practice

  • Recap With Previous Day Topics
  • Session-based Hands-on practice Task with any Admin Dashboard

React Context API and Redux 

Day 35: React Context API

  • Context-API
  • What is context, provide, createContext
  • Avoid props drilling
  • Session task – profile name changes

Day 36: React Advanced Hooks

  • useRef, useReducer
  • Front end game demonstration – hangman / tictactoe / tile match

Day 37: React API Integration

  • Playing around with API
  • fetch() or Axios
  • Implementing simple CRUD

Day 38: React Final Project

  • Completed recap by implementing any Front end game/CRUD to understand the importance of hooks

Day 39: Introduction to Redux

  • Intro to Redux – to understand the state management with react application

Database Introduction and MySQL 

Day 40: Introduction to Databases

  • Introduction to database
  • What is MySQL?
  • Intro to MySQL engines
  • Basic queries – create db, table

Day 41: MySQL Queries

  • Insert, update, alter
  • Select – where clause, distinct, group by, order by, offset, limit

Day 42: Advanced MySQL

  • Normalization
  • Select queries
  • Joins

Day 43: MongoDB Introduction

  • DB model design
  • Intro to MongoDB & installation of MongoDB

Day 44: MongoDB Basics

  • Why MongoDB?
  • What is a document?
  • What is a collection?

MongoDB and Node.js Introduction 

Day 45: MongoDB vs MySQL

  • MongoDB vs MySQL
  • Creation of database, collections, documents
  • find – query & projection
  • Use of operators in find() query

Day 46: MongoDB Aggregation and Cursor Methods

  • Basic cursor methods – map, toArray, pretty, forEach, limit, count, sort
  • Aggregation
  • Server-side vs Client-side rendering

Day 47: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
  • NPM packages
  • In-built, third-party, and custom packages

Day 48: Node.js and Express.js Basics

  • What is Express?
  • API methods – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • Request & response objects
  • URL & query parameters

Day 49: Node.js and MongoDB Connectivity

  • Connection to MongoDB (local & atlas)
  • Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity

Node.js Deployment and Authentication 

Day 50: Node.js Deployment

  • dotenv
  • Deployment
  • Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity

Day 51: Node.js Authentication

  • Authentication
  • bcrypt
  • Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity

Day 52: Node.js JWT and Middleware

  • JWT
  • Custom middleware
  • Authorization
  • Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity

Final Project and Review

Day 53: Final Project Implementation

  • Final project implementation
  • Hands-on practice with CRUD operations and authentication

Day 54: Project Review

  • Project review
  • Debugging and optimization

Day 55: Course Recap

  • Recap of all topics
  • Final Q&A session

Day 56: Final Assessments and Presentations

  • Final assessments and project presentations

Day 57: Course Wrap-up

  • Course wrap-up
  • Feedback and future learning paths

Course Outline Chart

Week 1
Introduction to Web and JavaScript Basics
Week 2
JavaScript Arrays, Objects, and Functions
Week 3
JavaScript OOP and Advanced Concepts
Week 4
Advanced HTML & CSS
Week 5
DOM Manipulation and JavaScript Async Programming
Week 6
JavaScript Promises and Fetch API
Week 7
React Introduction and Basic Concepts
Week 8
React Components and Hooks
Week 9
React Context API and Redux
Week 10
Database Introduction and MySQL
Week 11
MongoDB and Node.js Introduction
Week 12
Node.js Deployment and Authentication
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