Full Stack Development

Learning Objectives
- Understand fundamental concepts of web development, including browser internals and the evolution of HTTP.
- Gain proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including ES6 features and advanced JavaScript concepts.
- Learn about DOM manipulation, event handling, and asynchronous JavaScript (callbacks, promises, async/await).
- Understand the basics of networking, including IP, MAC addresses, ports, and the request-response cycle.
- Develop skills in using browser tools for debugging and inspection, and differentiate between browser JavaScript and Node.js.
- Gain foundational knowledge of React, including components, props, state, hooks, and routing.
- Learn about state management with Redux and the React Context API.
- Understand database concepts, including MySQL and MongoDB, and learn to implement CRUD operations.
- Develop proficiency in Node.js and Express.js for backend development, including deployment and authentication techniques.
Course Duration
12 Weeks (3 Months)
3 Weeks Placement Readiness
10-12 Hours
Basic Computer Literacy
Familiarity with operating systems, file management, and basic software installation.
Mathematics Basics
Understanding of high school-level mathematics.
Basic Programming Knowledge (Preferred)
Familiarity with any programming language (preferable but not mandatory).
Course Outline
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Week 9
- Week 10
- Week 11
- Week 12
Introduction to Web and JavaScript Basics
Day 1: Introduction to Web and Browsers
- Introduction to Browser & Web
- Browser Wars
- DOM tree, CSSOM tree
- Browser internals: HTML parser, CSS parser, JavaScript V8 engine
Day 2: Networking and HTTP Basics
- Internals: IP, MAC address, Ports & Evolution of HTTP
- HTTP Methods
- How the Server looks at the URL
- Request & Response cycle
Day 3: HTML Browser Tools and JavaScript Basics
- HTML Browser view: Debugger, Inspect
- Browser JS vs Node.js
- Data types
Day 4: JavaScript Data Handling
- Copy by value and Copy by reference
- Window & document object
Day 5: JavaScript Arrays and Iteration
- Introduction to Arrays
- Array and JSON iteration
JavaScript Arrays, Objects, and Functions
Day 6: XMLHttpRequest and Hoisting
- XMLHttpRequest
- Hoisting & scope
Day 7: JavaScript Functions
- Introduction to functions
- Function & return keyword
- Types of functions
Day 8: ES6 Basics – Variables and Scoping
- var vs let vs const
- Block scoping
- Spread & rest operators
Day 9: ES6 Advanced – Destructuring and Shorthand
- Array & object destructure
- Object property shorthand
- Template literals
- Arrow functions
Day 10: JavaScript OOP – Prototypes and Classes
- Understanding the basics of prototype
- What are classes in JS?
- Constructor
- Need for setters/getters
- Use of this keyword in classes
JavaScript OOP and Advanced Concepts
Day 11: JavaScript Array Methods
- Map, Reduce, Filter
- Other array methods
Day 12: Introduction to HTML
- What is HTML & Why use it?
- Basic Tags
- div vs section vs article
- div vs span
- Inline vs block elements
Day 13: HTML Forms
- HTML Forms
- Input elements and attributes
- Form submit
Day 14: Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS?
- Ways to use CSS
- Property & value
- Class vs ID
- Use of !important
Day 15: CSS Display and Pseudo-Classes
- Display property: inline, block
- Intro to pseudo-classes (link, visited, hover, active)
Advanced HTML & CSS
Day 16: CSS Box Model and Flexbox
- Box model: padding, margin, border
- Grid
- Flex: display, direction, wrap, flex-flow, justify-content, align-content
Day 17: CSS Positioning and Gradients
- Position property: fixed, static, relative, absolute, sticky
- Parent inherit
- Gradient
Day 18: CSS Overflow and Media Queries
- Overflow: hidden, scroll, auto, visible
- Dropbox
- Measurements
- Fonts
- Icons
- Media query
Day 19: Responsive Web Design and Bootstrap Setup
- What is RWD?
- What is the mobile-first approach?
- Bootstrap setup
Day 20: Bootstrap Layout and Grid System
- Bootstrap layout
- Container, container-fluid & container with breakpoints
- Grid in Bootstrap
- Column prefix & its use
- Maximum columns for a row
- Nested columns and column ordering
DOM Manipulation and JavaScript Async Programming
Day 21: DOM Basics
- What is DOM?
- createElement, setAttribute, getElementById, querySelector vs querySelectorAll
- innerHTML vs innerText
- appendChild vs append
Day 22: Window and Event Handling
- Window – Common Util functions
- setTimeout vs setInterval
- Prompt, Alert, Confirm
Day 23: JavaScript Callbacks
- Working with events
- Recap of DOM topics
- Callback
- What’s the callback? – call stack, web API, event loop, queue
Day 24: JavaScript Promises
- Use & purpose of the callback
- Pain of callback
- Promise: What is a promise?
- Promise States
- Promise chain
- promise.all()
Day 25: Promises and Async/Await
- Use of fetch() & then()
- Promise chaining
- Async/Await with error handling
JavaScript Promises and Fetch API
Day 26: Implementing CRUD with Fetch API
- Promise fetch – request info & request init
- Implementing CRUD with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Recap of callback, Promise Topics
React Introduction and Basic Concepts
Day 27: React Basics and JSX
- Why React
- Setup React project
- Understanding JSX
- Components (simple HTML layout to reusable React components)
Day 28: React Components
- Understanding the components
- Passing data through props
- Deploying React to Netlify
Day 29: React Lists and Conditional Rendering
- Working with array lists
- Usage of keys
- Conditional rendering
- Handling Events
- Props vs State
React Components and Hooks
Day 30: Advanced React Components
- Components – In-depth
- Component life cycle
Day 31: React State and Hooks
- Stateful and stateless components
- Reusable components
- Passing dynamic data to component
- Introduction to Hook
Day 32: React Hooks – useState and useEffect
- What is the hook?
- Lifecycle of Hook
- useState, useEffect
- Props drilling
- Passing data from child to parent component
Day 33: React Router
- React-router-dom
- BrowserRouter, Switch, Link, Route, URL params
Day 34: React Hands-on Practice
- Recap With Previous Day Topics
- Session-based Hands-on practice Task with any Admin Dashboard
React Context API and Redux
Day 35: React Context API
- Context-API
- What is context, provide, createContext
- Avoid props drilling
- Session task – profile name changes
Day 36: React Advanced Hooks
- useRef, useReducer
- Front end game demonstration – hangman / tictactoe / tile match
Day 37: React API Integration
- Playing around with API
- fetch() or Axios
- Implementing simple CRUD
Day 38: React Final Project
- Completed recap by implementing any Front end game/CRUD to understand the importance of hooks
Day 39: Introduction to Redux
- Intro to Redux – to understand the state management with react application
Database Introduction and MySQL
Day 40: Introduction to Databases
- Introduction to database
- What is MySQL?
- Intro to MySQL engines
- Basic queries – create db, table
Day 41: MySQL Queries
- Insert, update, alter
- Select – where clause, distinct, group by, order by, offset, limit
Day 42: Advanced MySQL
- Normalization
- Select queries
- Joins
Day 43: MongoDB Introduction
- DB model design
- Intro to MongoDB & installation of MongoDB
Day 44: MongoDB Basics
- Why MongoDB?
- What is a document?
- What is a collection?
MongoDB and Node.js Introduction
Day 45: MongoDB vs MySQL
- MongoDB vs MySQL
- Creation of database, collections, documents
- find – query & projection
- Use of operators in find() query
Day 46: MongoDB Aggregation and Cursor Methods
- Basic cursor methods – map, toArray, pretty, forEach, limit, count, sort
- Aggregation
- Server-side vs Client-side rendering
Day 47: Introduction to Node.js
- What is Node.js?
- NPM packages
- In-built, third-party, and custom packages
Day 48: Node.js and Express.js Basics
- What is Express?
- API methods – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
- Request & response objects
- URL & query parameters
Day 49: Node.js and MongoDB Connectivity
- Connection to MongoDB (local & atlas)
- Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity
Node.js Deployment and Authentication
Day 50: Node.js Deployment
- dotenv
- Deployment
- Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity
Day 51: Node.js Authentication
- Authentication
- bcrypt
- Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity
Day 52: Node.js JWT and Middleware
- Custom middleware
- Authorization
- Simultaneous frontend + backend connectivity
Final Project and Review
Day 53: Final Project Implementation
- Final project implementation
- Hands-on practice with CRUD operations and authentication
Day 54: Project Review
- Project review
- Debugging and optimization
Day 55: Course Recap
- Recap of all topics
- Final Q&A session
Day 56: Final Assessments and Presentations
- Final assessments and project presentations
Day 57: Course Wrap-up
- Course wrap-up
- Feedback and future learning paths